This is us at Halloween two years ago, (I was an angel with wings in blue jeans) but this year not a single one of us has an idea in our heads what to wear as a costume. I go and help out at the school Halloween party and costume is important (last year, I was a soccer mom. I sewed about fifty socks to a leotard and jeans and wore a long purple wig but I didn't win the contest, though Max told me all the kids thought I was highly cool, which counted for more.
What should I go as?
A neurotic novelist?
How about Sarah Palin? You could put your hair up, wear glasses and carry a book and a big box of matches!
What, and compete with all the middle school girls who are dressing up like her?!! Plus, I loathe her so much I don't want to have to think about her a nanosecond more than I have to!
How about going as the crazy cat lady from the Simpsons? or Buy a burka and go as Miss Kurkistan 2008?
I can not help you...I never dress up! I know, I know...bad actor.
G :)
OK, I am the only person on the planet who doesn't watch the Simpsons. Who is the crazy cat lady? That sounds promising indeed. ANd I can't go in a burka because I live near Ground Zero and people are VERY sensitive to that kind of costume now...
You could go as a Wall Street bear.
I don't know the Simpsons' crazy cat lady, but that's a great idea. I'd attach a few stuffed (you know, toy) cats all over my body -- and bunch up some wool, too, and tell people those are "furballs." Carry a can of Pounce cat treats and keep going, "Here, kitty kitty..."
(Oh, if you do this, let me know and I'll mail you one of my cat lovers for Obama buttons! I would anyway, only Iknow you're allergic to cats so Iddin't think of it)
Ok...for those of you so uncool as to not watch the Simpsons... here is the cat lady in all her glory:
J :)
Kim, thank you for the link to Halloween coupons! Much appreciated. I did get an idea. I saw in the Nyt that there is a Zombiecon parade every year in the ritzier areas of town. A ragtag band of zombies (zombie stockbrocker, zombie Charlie Brown, zombie teacher) trail through the city streets "scaring children and shoppers." Maybe I can be a ZOMBIE soccer mom. Or a ZOMBIE writer! I just have to figure out the makeup.
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