Tuesday, December 16, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Uh oh, it's that time.  New Year's resolutions.  Some great news is that I am going to be included in a NYT article on resolutions, thanks to the brilliant writer Amy Koppelman (thank you, Amy).

So what are my resolutions?
1.  I want a draft of my new novel done before Breathe comes out.  Being a writer is the most wonderful job in the world.  You get to tell the deep truths about life and about people, to get at the heart and soul of what it really means to be human and if you are lucky, you can turn some experiences into art.
2. I want to finish my scripts!
3.  I want to stay strong physically and I want to do everything I can to make my family happy. I came to a happy marriage and a fabulous child late in life, but I like to think that everything awful that came before--a painful divorce, a death of a loved one, a year long critical illness, and terrible relationships-- was prelude to this astonishing joy. Maybe all those things made me who I am so I could have this.  
4. (My beloved husband Jeff just suggested I write something frisky, but I am not going to!)
5. I want to learn to knit fingers on gloves!
6.  Jeff told me that I should also put that I resolve to stop balling up my socks in the laundry.

So.please feel free to tell me your resolutions, and yes, I probably will still ball up my socks. through 2009.


Anonymous said...

I really love to make resolutions every New Year, i try to quit one or the other bad habit that I have... This New Year I have planned to quit "Anger" because it is the greatest enemy of my own...:)

Clea Simon said...

I want to be a little less afraid this year. Oh yeah, and lose six more pounds. But not be too obsessive about it!

Cari said...

Fingers aren't hard! Really! Just a wee bit fiddly. But you can totally do it.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I would like to live with tremendous Courage eternally.Thank you n Wish you all a tremendous joy n Happy New Year to all of you.

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