How does an actress/director/writer get into the world of baby products?
About 13 years ago I was trying to have a baby. It took me two and a half years before I was able to get pregnant. During that time I got the idea to do a line of baby product with my dad. My sister had developed a hand sanitizer with my dad, (with essential oils as well as alcohol so it was a natural substitute for Purell), called Jao (online at jaoltd.com) and I was jealous of her working with Dad and wanted to be able to as well, and since babies were front and center in my life at that time I thought of baby products.
Did you know anything previously about marketing?
No, I knew nothing about marketing and still have a way to go. A HUGE way to go.
Why now?
I was able to get a lot of directing work on television the last two years, 3 episodes of “Tell Me You Love Me” and 7 episodes of “In Treatment” on HBO and that gave me a bit extra money that I could finally manufacture the diaper cream and get my business off the ground.
(And what did you use on your own kids?) What I used on my own kids was versions of the products I am going to be manufacturing. I used my dad’s numerous versions of diaper cream, and our head to toe shampoo and our lotion and baby oil.
Is this something you ever thought you could or would do?
I never saw myself working with my Dad when I was younger, but at this point in my life now, it is very exciting. To meet new people and make new friends, and learn a new business… and when you believe in what you have to offer, it really can be terrifically rewarding.
What's different about your products from other products? (I know they are cruelty-free, but what else?)
Well, most of the diaper creams have paraben, and it is hard to make a good formula with out it. Dad did it and “Our Best” Barrier and Diaper Cream is fantastic if I may say so. In our other products that will be coming out next month, there is no sodium lauryl sulfate and no DEA, and we are really refining the formulas to offer organic essential oils and as many naturally derived ingredients as possible.
What's it like working with your father?
Terrific. He just turned 82 and is truly phenomenal knowing what ingredients to use for our formulas, and what to stay away from. For example vanilla oil is used in many baby products and that has some serious allergic responses in infants… so he is really trying to make our products as potentially problem free as possible.
Did you ever work on anything else together?
Yes we built a model of the Parthenon when I was in fourth grade. Used paper towel and toilet paper cardboard tubes. And paper mache. It turned out pretty sensational.
Who came up with the great name, Good Baby?
I did. My mother’s maiden name is Goodman… so I was trying to blend both last names….
I laughed when I read that your products were tested not on animals, but on actress's babies! What's new in the Good Baby line that's waiting for a celebrity baby trial run?
Well we have our head-to-toe shampoo, tangerine baby oil, body milk which I have to say is brilliant! Everyone is going to want that lotion, no matter what age, and our chapped cheek and lip protector with natural sunblock.
Where can people buy your products and how is the company doing?
Right now we are in stores pretty sporadically spread around. I have been relying on friends I meet on Twitter and Facebook to join the Good Baby effort to help get it out in their areas and become reps…The list of retailers in on the website , and of course we are selling on line at www.mayronsgoodbaby.com.
What question didn't I ask that I should have?
Well, in other news, the first season of the DVD thirtysomething is available to pre-order on Amazon right now and it will be in stores everywhere in August 25th.
Wow There is a place bambino direct discount where I bought its products with online discounts.
I am a huge fan of Melanie Mayron's diaper cream. It is organic and natural. I give it as a shower gift all the time.
She's not only a talented writer and director, she knows how to keep baby's bottom smooth. :-)
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