Good and bad, hence the Mrs. Mustard's Baby faces book. (So appropriate for all kinds of things!)
First, the bad news. Times are sort of soul-killing, at least financially, and every time something great freelance comes my way, I feel the need to grab it, because I want to fill up our depleted accounts. I had one offer of what seemed a fabulous job--blogging about books and all things literary for a literary site at a decent rate of pay. The guy running the show liked me, we bonded, and all seemed a go until there was "one last thing I needed to do"and to please click this link. Guess what it was? PAY HIM. Put my credit card on the line and pay for the privilege of working. I said, "You've got to be kidding," and that was that.
Fast forward two days. Another good gig. Manuscript consulting, (I do developmental editing for other people's novels) which I d love. Lots of work, reputable company, nice owner. Yes, they can use me. The catch? $200 to join the pool of editors.
Please tell me this is not a new trend.
So grousing is over. The good news is that after months of yin-yanging from one novel to the other, and hundreds of pages on each, I have cracked the first chapter of the novel I have decided to do first. I think it works. I keep staring at it in wonder. I'm a little afraid to venture into chapter two for fear the magic will dissipate. But what an amazing feeling. It seems alive to me. The voice feels real. And there is some mystery. Writing takes its own sweet time to reveal things to you, and sometimes it happens when you have given up trying so hard.
Now all I need is a title...
you should start a contest to see who has the most F*#%d up freelance stories. I may start one on screenwriting horror stories (like the one I just went thru ... classic). First prize is a high-powered rifle and access to a 24-hour access to a bell tower. We'll have to have them sign a liability waiver of course.
J :)
That's not a bad idea, Jeff. These last two really set me over the edge. The $200 one told me they had to have that because of "the high turnover rate." AHEM, if there is a high turnover rate, do I want to even work there????
Oh this is freaking me out. My just started freelance career now has the emphasis on "Free"...and things are quiet in the old acting world...sigh.
Time to turn out those pages and eat in.
I would offer brilliant advice about this, but first you have to pay me $300.
Katharine-that is hilarious!!
A sense of humor...priceless :)
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