Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Welcome to my blog

I must admit I'm new to blogging, but here's where I can wax rhapsodic about writing (or whine), offer tips, tell you what I'm up to, and rant and rave about the publishing world. Please hang on as I learn to navigate this and in the meantime, please check out my webpage,


Unknown said...

Hi Caroline,

All the best for your blog and continued writing success.

And thank you for your great teaching at UCLA Extension.

John Brooks

Kathryn Ecenbarger said...

Hi Carolina:

I wish I hadn't read it. Now I am totally intimidated.


Leora Skolkin-Smith said...


Welcome to the blogosphere which will become all the richer for your presence!

Leora Skolkin-Smith

Caroline said...

What! You're intimdated by me, Kathryn! I have a marshmallow heart!