Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Authors with new books out, with events cancelled because of the coronavirus--never fear. Reading With Robin's Robin Kall Homonoff is here with Authorpalooza, Friday 13th, an all day author interview event

Hey authors! Got a new book coming out? Have you had events cancelled? (I have, sigh...) The Coronavirus is impacting everything and everyone. And it doesn't look like it is going to get better some time soon. I know countless other authors worrying over cancelled tour dates, cancelled festival dates, and bookstore readings--all the things that help books find readers. 

But all is not lost. Because my beloved friend and the angel of readers and writers, Robin Kall Homonoff isn't going to let that happen.

Robin's the creator of the wise, witty and wonderful Reading With Robin podcast. With her daughter Emily (If you love Robin, you also love Emily) they run the Cardigan Connection Reading Series, which is always packed. Robin knew that with all the cancelling of events, there was still something she could do. And fast. 

This Friday, she's starting AUTHORPALOOZA, an all day podcast interviewing a huge variety of authors.  If you are an author with a new book coming out or with events already cancelled, please contact Robin here through her FB page.

 Come here and here for more information and to join the Reading With Robin community.  And I'm taking this opportunity to give back to Robin and interview HER. Thank you, Robin!

 How did you think of this fabulous idea?
We hosted the amazing Lily King last night and I had been thinking for the past week that it might be our last in-person event for a while. Once it was announced taht the Tucson Book Festival was cancelled, along with other author events, I knew that this was something I could do to help get the word out about new books. It's crucial for books to get as much attention as possible when they first come out, and many of these authors are like family to me after all of these years. I've been doing this since 20002!

Why was Reading With Robin the natural choice for this to happen?

I have the most readers on this platform so it was a natural place to host virtually. 

Do you ever sleep?

Ha! yes, I sure do, but I have a feeling not so much this week.

How can readers and writers support YOU?

Thank you for asking. The most appreciated would be to join me on the RB page, Reading with Robin. Give it a like, if you are so inclined. Follow on Instagram @RobinKallink. Tune into the Reading with Robin Podcast on Itunes...the usual suspects!

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