Monday, November 15, 2010

Thanksturkey, anyone?

Let's hear it for the non-traditional Thanksturkey.

Thanksgiving is supposed to be a family holiday, but one Thanksgiving, I found myself alone. My mother was off to a relatives, my sister and her family had been invited elsewhere, and there I was, alone in New York City, having recently left my husband (okay, the truth is, I was booted out). I was scared and lonely and living in what surely was the tiniest apartment in all of Manhattan.

If you'd like to read more, please go to AOL's Kitchen Daily: I have to thank Gina Misiroglu for putting me in touch with AOL to write this. This is just one of the incredible ways she's helping to promote Red Room authors and bring more traffic to Red Room. And how fantastic is that?

Every Thanksgiving, Jeff, Max and I spend alone now--and we love it. It's a tradition. We buy a big tofurkey and make cranberry sauce and two kinds of pie, and then we hit the movies.

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