Thursday, April 1, 2010

Pictures of You

I am dazed, amazed and thrilled to present the cover of my new novel Pictures of You (coming November 2, the Amazon date of January is wrong and will be fixed soon.) I really love this cover (I tend to draw wings on objects all the time and I have a big huge pair of white feather wings in my office), and I really love being with Algonquin, who are just splendiferous. (Love my editor, love my agent, love the publicity department.)

I'm already going to be at BEA signing books and speaking at a luncheon, which made me rush out and buy a dress, since my usual wardrobe tends to be jeans, a black t-shirt or sweater and my beloved black sneakers with white shoelaces. If any of you happen to be there, please come say hello to me!

There's more about the book (including more blurbs and an interview) at my website,

Oh! I'm so excited.


  1. LOVE IT!!!
    Have fun at your signing. I bet you are excited and you deserve to be. Well done.

  2. Thank you so much, Glynis. I'm so excited I can't work today (and I really need to!)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It's beautiful! That's a good omen.

    I have white feathered wings too -- they were Dorrie's Halloween costume a couple of years ago.

  5. love the cover. love everything about it. the image. the color. the layout. so excited for the release. hope you got a little work done yesterday.

  6. Beautiful cover! I can't wait to read and review it for both Amazon and my blog.

    Will you be coming to LA for the UCLA Book Fair?


  7. Oh thank you all so, so much! Eileen, no, but I'm going to be at BEA-_Will you be there? Can we meet?

  8. Lovely cover, Caroline -- I'm really looking forward to reading this one!

  9. Thank you so much, Dory, I'm just so excited!
