Monday, December 15, 2008

Write or Die

I was whining about writing this morning to the wonderful writer, Susan Ito, who suggested that I get thee to Write or Die.  Write or Die is a hilarious website which has consequences for not writing (hair loss!), demonic sounds to warningly spur you on (Think the Exorcist), and a very tiny grace period to keep cracking.  You write into a text box, I believe and it is sort of like Write a Novel in  Month, one thing I admit I could not ever really get into. (I don't like feeling rushed.  I love getting lost in the words and the world I am creating.)

Hey, some days I am willing to try anything.

1 comment:

  1. And it worked, didn't it?! I think WoD is hilarious, too, but the crazy thing is how effective it is.
