Monday, December 29, 2008

Home Again

I read two fantastic books while I was in Boston, the first, Dear Everybody--I am going to have the author answer some questions about it for my blog. Then in honor of Max's star turn in You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown, I got the now-in-paperback and acclaimed bio of Charles Schulz., Schulz and Peanuts by David Michaels . Fascinating and insightful, and also a whole lot of fun. And what thrilled me the most was that my 12-year-old son saw me so engrossed that he now wants to read the bio himself!

So now, after four days away, I have to get back into my writing routine, and my freelance routine. I told Jeff today, that if I didn't have all this freelance, I could write a novel every year or two years like other writers. I wonder about the toll trying to make a living takes on writers? I always try to do my writing first, but sometimes, with deadlines looming (right along with bills), it isn't always possible. How does anybody do it all?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The Sparky Schulz bio must be nifty; if you're ever in Santa Rosa, Calif., the Charles Schulz museum is an amazing take -- it even boasts a Snoopy-shaped labyrinth.

    Plus, Santa Rosa has lots of tasty wine and an excellent breakfast place or two.

    --a fan (and NOT the president of the Santa Rosa Chamber of Commerce).

  3. C:

    Working and writing... these are natural enemies... like dogs and cats... or Sarah Palin and the natural world...

    Our work should be our writing. Anything else sucks me dry. Doing the freelance is mind numbing (as grateful as I am for it) and if I have to turn one more sow's ear into a silk purse I'll scream... which I'll be doing after this post because I have a deadline for tomorrow.

    It's a weird mix ... I love being freelance and hate not having enough time to write my own stuff. But, I think of people like Irma Bombeck who raised a family and did a daily column and wrote books, or John Grisham who was a full-time lawyer and wrote books, the list goes on.

    I wonder what the percentage is of writers who actually get to write their own stuff day-in and day-out? I don't know if that's a statistic I really want to know.

    Okay, back to the mind-numbing life-saving freelance work.


  4. I sure as hell haven't during this whole holiday period. The scary thing is, I've been telling myself that I'm "clearing my desk." But, well, I just realized I have a freelance piece due Jan. 7 and the woman who gives me copy editing (for which I'm eternally grateful!! don't get me wrong!!) just asked if I'd be available that week and .... aieee...

  5. I wish I had more freelance work...I know, I know...shoot me. But from where I sit, it means to me that you are all recognized as talented writers. Working writers. Published writers. I would love that.

    But I completely understand the grind of doing work to pay the bills when you want to me making art...I just have more experience with it as an actor than a far :)

    For me I always get more done when I am busy.

    Although I have always said that one of the greatest gifts anyone could give an artist, would be a whole year to just live and work like an artist.

    Patrons anyone?
    xo G :)

  6. My first husband was a partner in a law firm. All I did was stay home and write and then take ballet at night. Of course, he was NEVER home and he was tomcatting around and I loathed Pittsburgh and we never went on vacation, so there was a huge trade-off! I think this time of year is really hard to get going on projects.

  7. PS, Jo, I didn't realize there was a Schulz museum! I found it fascinating that he really didn't like children or people and that he lived his life starved for love.

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