Thursday, November 20, 2008

Laura Benedict is Cool and so is Ray Bradbury

Laura Benedict is really, really cool.  Not only does she write fantastic, smart thrillers, like Isabella Moon and Calling Mr. Lonely Hearts (coming in December), but she has a fantastically interesting blog.  Notes from the Handbasket is hip and smart and talks about popular culture as inspiration.  I was thrilled when she asked me to write about some kind of pop culture that inspired me, because I got to write about my hero, Ray Bradbury, and how reading The Martian Chronicles when I was a kid changed my life--and my writing.  Please mosey on over and read her blog (She wrote about Perry Mason!) and then read why I adore Bradbury so much. 


  1. Very cool, Caroline. I assume you've seen Bradbury speak before? I've seen him a couple times in the past few years. He's a trip!

  2. NEVER! I would kill to hear him. Like me, he doesn't drive but my dream is to send him a letter.

  3. Never? You should fly out here for the LA Times Festival of Books this coming April. He's always there. He gives a talk to a huge crowd, and then he sits in his little booth for most of the rest of the weekend for anyone who cares to drop by. (Of course, sending him a letter may be ever so slightly cheaper...!)

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