Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Save us from Sarah

Just the Sarah Palin fact's, ma'am. Or: Be afraid. Be very afraid.

1. Banned Books Week is coming up so in honor of that, let me point out that Palin wants certain "objectional" books banned from the local library. This is truly scary. 1984 anyone?

2. She doesn't believe in evolution and wants creationism taught in the schools. This is also very scary. What happened to the wonders of science?

3. She advocates abstinence only education, and yet her daughter is pregnant at 17. And even after this, she doesn't see anything wrong with abstinence only education. As someone who talked to teenaged mothers for over a year, I know what a rough road this is for them and how easily a life can be shut down and/or ruined. You can't shut down hormonal surges, but teaching kids about birth control and responsible behaviors could do a lot to stop the huge and growing problem of teen pregnancy.

4. As a mother, I would eat nails rather than put my child in a maelstrom of bad publicity, and yet that's what Palin's done because surely she knew that she would be putting her teenage daughter front and center. Yes, family is a private matter and off bounds in most cases, but when someone makes part of her creed an insistence on abstinence only education, and then her teenager gets pregnant--well, that's indicative of a certain hypocricy, don't you think? If Palin takes office, her daughter and her husband will have Secret Service. Great way to ruin a life.

5. Oh, let's not forget about her position on guns.

I'm afraid.


  1. Thank you for speaking out, Caroline. I find the possibility that this woman could be a heartbeat away from the presidency terrifying.

  2. Agreed! She is truly did come to this?

  3. You are swo, so so right. Thank you. Amazing to me, too, that you used her little infant baby to parade around in ffront of the cameras after her acceptance speech. He was a mere toy held against her bosom in the media lights flashing which somehow bothered me more than anything else.What a trauma that must have been for the baby somewhere. A baby as a prop to look good in front of world cameras for his mother, that's something terrifying to me in itself. But I think she sees children, teenagers as mere extensions of her own ideologies and needs, so I can't even imagine thinking her as a "soccer Mom"...

  4. whoops. I meant that SHE not "YOU" "used her little infant baby". My typing and spelling is so awful and lazy, sorry!

  5. I'm with you, Leora. Jon Stewart was pointing out to Newt Gingrich (ugh) that Sarah Palin was making a point about how her daughter's choice was a private family issue. But that if she had her way NO OTHER FAMILY would have that choice. Even David Letterman was questioning Palin last night - he was asking Dr. Phil (ugh, as well) "well, if she talked to her children about responsible use of birth control instead of simply abstinence, might this have had a different outcome?" (That's a paraphrase, but the birth control v. abstinence part is right.) I only hope voters are smart enough to see through this.

  6. OK, I posted this on my own blog but this seems to be quite the controversy and I've got to weigh in again:

    While there has been some question about whether she actually went forward with her plans to ban books from the Wassilla library or what books she wanted banned, the New York Times (9/3/08) has reported - after talking to multiple sources - that she "approached the town librarian about the possibility of banning some books." When the town librarian vowed to resist censorship, she fired her. That's enough for me. More than enough.

  7. Thanks for letting us know all this, Clea. My God, scary stuff.
